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#Creating Modules for Deployments

A Hardhat Ignition deployment is composed of modules. A module is a set of related smart contracts to be deployed, with accompanying contract calls, expressed through Hardhat Ignition's declarative Module API.

For example, this is a minimal module MyModule that deploys an instance of a Token contract and exports it to consumers of MyModule:

const { buildModule } = require("@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ignition");

module.exports = buildModule("MyModule", (m) => {
  const token = m.contract("Token");

  return { token };

Modules can be deployed: directly at the command-line with the deploy task, within Hardhat tests (see Using Hardhat Ignition in tests) or consumed by other modules to allow for more complex deployments.

# Deploying a contract

Hardhat Ignition is aware of the contracts within the ./contracts Hardhat folder. Hardhat Ignition can deploy any compilable local contract by name:

const token = m.contract("Token");

token here is called a contract future. It represents the contract that will eventually be deployed.

#Constructor arguments

In Solidity contracts may have constructor arguments that need satisfied on deployment. This can be done by passing an args array as the second parameter:

const token = m.contract("Token", ["My Token", "TKN", 18]);

#Adding an endowment of ETH

The deployed contract can be given an endowment of ETH by passing the value of the endowment in wei as a BigInt, under the options object:

const token = m.contract("Token", [], {
  value: BigInt(1_000_000_000),

#Dependencies between contracts

If a contract needs the address of another contract as a constructor argument, the contract future can be used:

const a = m.contract("A");
const b = m.contract("B", [a]);

You can think of this as b being the equivalent of a promise of an address, although futures are not promises.

If a contract does not directly depend through arguments on another contract, a dependency (don't deploy b until a is successfully deployed) can still be created using the after array of options:

const a = m.contract("A");
const b = m.contract("B", [], {
  after: [a],

#Deploying from an artifact

To allow you to use your own mechanism for getting the contract artifact, contract supports passing an Artifact as the second parameter:

const artifact = hre.artifacts.readArtifactSync("Foo");

const userModule = buildModule("MyModule", (m) => {
  m.contract("Foo", artifact, [0]);

#Using an existing contract

A user might need to execute a method in a contract that wasn't deployed by Hardhat Ignition. An existing contract can be leveraged by passing an address and artifact:

const uniswap = m.contractAt("UniswapRouter", "0x0...", artifact);

m.call(uniswap, "addLiquidity", [

#Linking libraries

A library can be deployed and linked to a contract by passing the library's future as a named entry under the libraries option:

const safeMath = m.library("SafeMath");
const contract = m.contract("Contract", [], {
  libraries: {
    SafeMath: safeMath,

A library is deployed in the same way as a contract.

# Calling contract methods

Not all contract configuration happens via the constructor. To configure a contract through a call to a contract method:

const token = m.contract("Token");
const exchange = m.contract("Exchange");

m.call(exchange, "addToken", [token]);

#Transferring ETH as part of a call

Similar to ethers, a call can transfer ETH by passing a value in wei as a BigInt under the options:

m.call(exchange, "deposit", [], {
  value: BigInt(1_000_000_000),

#Transferring Eth outside of a call

It's also possible to transfer ETH to a given address via a regular Ethereum transaction:

m.sendETH(exchange, {
  value: BigInt(1_000_000_000),

#Using the results of statically calling a contract method

A contract might need the result of some other contract method as an input:

const token = m.contract("Token");
const totalSupply = m.staticCall(token, "totalSupply");

const someContract = m.contract("ContractName", [totalSupply]);

In this example, totalSupply is called a deferred value. Similar to how a contract future is a contract that will eventually be deployed, a deferred value is some value that will eventually be available. That means you can't do this:

if (totalSupply > 0) {

Because totalSupply is not a number, it is a future.

# Retrieving data from events

Important data and values generated by contract calls are often exposed through Solidity events. Hardhat Ignition allows you to retrieve event arguments and use them in subsequent contract calls:

const multisig = m.contract("Multisig", []);

const call = m.call(multisig, "authorize");

const authorizer = m.readEventArgument(
  "AuthorizedBy", // Event name
  "Authorizer" // Event argument name

m.call(multisig, "execute", [authorizer]);

# Network Accounts Management

All accounts configured for the current network can be accessed from within an Hardhat Ignition module via m.getAccount(index):

module.exports = buildModule("Multisig", (m) => {
  const owner = m.getAccount(0);
  // ...

You can then use these addresses in constructor or function args. Additionally, you can pass them as a value to the from option in order to specify which account you would like a specific transaction sent from:

module.exports = buildModule("Multisig", (m) => {
  const owner = m.getAccount(0);
  const alsoAnOwner = m.getAccount(1);
  const notAnOwner = m.getAccount(2);

  const multisig = m.contract("Multisig", [owner, alsoAnOwner], {
    from: owner,

  const value = BigInt(1_000_000_000);
  const fund = m.send("fund", multisig, value, undefined, { from: notAnOwner });

  const call = m.call(multisig, "authorize", [], { from: alsoAnOwner });

Note that if from is not provided, Hardhat Ignition will default to sending transactions using the first configured account (accounts[0]).

# Including modules within modules

Modules can be deployed and consumed within other modules via m.useModule(...):

module.exports = buildModule("`TEST` registrar", (m) => {
  // ...

  const { ens, resolver, reverseRegistrar } = m.useModule(setupENSRegistry);

  // Setup registrar
  const registrar = m.contract("FIFSRegistrar", [ens, tldHash]);

  // ...

  return { ens, resolver, registrar, reverseRegistrar };

Calls to useModule memoize the results object.

Only contract or library types can be returned when building a module.

# Module parameters

Modules can have parameters that are accessed using the DeploymentBuilder object:

const symbol = m.getParameter("tokenSymbol");
const name = m.getParameter("tokenName");

const token = m.contract("Token", {
  args: [symbol, name, 1_000_000],

When a module is deployed, the proper parameters must be provided, indexed by the ModuleId. If they are not available, the deployment won't be executed and will error.

You can use optional params by providing default values:

const symbol = m.getParameter("tokenSymbol", "TKN");

    Next, let's take a look at using an Hardhat Ignition module within Hardhat tests:

    Using Hardhat Ignition in tests